
Township Municipal Building

1011 Cooper Street
Deptford, NJ 08096
(856) 845-5300
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Township Administration

Welcome to Manager's Office

The Office of the Township Manager is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding holidays. 

The basic function of the Manager is to direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Township, except as otherwise provided by law.

The Manager is responsible to the Mayor and Council for carrying out all policies established by it and serves as liaison between the Mayor and Council and the Township's departments and agencies.

The Manager is the chief administrative official of the Township and is responsible, among other responsibilities, for the following:

Supervises the preparation of and recommends annually to the Mayor and Council an operating budget, a capital budget, and a five-year capital plan. 

Receives and deals with requests for, and complaints about, Township services that cannot be dealt with by the operating departments and agencies.

Appoints and promotes subordinate Township officers, except as otherwise provided by law.

Negotiates contracts for the Township as authorized and directed by and subject to the approval of the governing body.

Oversees a proper purchasing system, approves all requests for goods and services to be purchased by the Township, and approves all bills and vouchers for payment prior to final approval by the governing body.

Citizen Request Form

This office deals with requests for, and complaints about municipal services and programs.  Residents may complete an Online Citizens Request Form to submit a formal complaint about any municipal service or program, or to inform the Township about the need for improvements in their neighborhood area, such as road or sidewalk repairs, street lighting, litter, etc.

Contact Information

Rob Hatalovsky, Township Manager
Debra Willard, Administrative Assistant to the Manager

Phone: (856) 686-2220 
Fax: (856) 848-8227